Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Kay Gardner, author of Sounding the Inner Landscape: Music as Medicine, has identified nine elements that demonstrate the healing effects of music.

1. Drone – healing music should have a constant tone that drones behind a simple melody.
2. Repetition – short musical phrases, vocal and instrumental, should be repeated over and over which produce a calming effect.
3. Harmonics – long sustained tones produce harmonic overtones, which balance the entire physical body at the cellular level.
4. Rhythm – rhythm duplicates many pulses in the human body and via entrainment, move the pulses into harmonious pattern
5. Harmony – affects the emotions. Various keys (minor or major evoke feelings of joyfulness, sadness or calmness.
6. Melody – the mind becomes enchanted with melody and ceases to engage in its continuous mental chit-chat.
7.Instrumental colours –each instrument has its own unique vibration. (playing the note of C on the piano would sound very different to the same note on a violin)
8. Form. – pieces that have many changes in tempo will affect stimulate us and steady pieces will calm us.
9. Intention – music played with a focused intention of healing would contain that intention in its frequency.


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